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  • Lengthen and Free Your Spine

    Lengthen and Free Your Spine

    A practice to awaken and energise your spine from both a physical anatomical and energetically enriching viewpoint.

  • 5 Vayu Practice

    5 Vayu Practice

    The vayus are the winds that blow thru the body and mind, they are the 5 directions that energy moves through us. This practice will cover all the vayus, to get a cover all bases.

  • New Beginnings

    New Beginnings

    Uncover the potency of the present moment, with a flow class intended to keep you in the power of now.

  • Space Element

    Space Element

    Ayurvedic theory is based on the principle that everything is made up of 5 elements, Earth, Water, Fire, Air and Ether or Space. This practice explores the element of space within and around you.

  • Lift Your Kapha

    Lift Your Kapha

    When we move from winter to spring, it is time to clear the excess kapha qualities we may have accumulated over winter. . In our bodies it is the heavier, denser energy that builds in the belly, and lower abdomen.
    A fairly strong class. Not for times of menstruation.

  • Space and Light

    Space and Light

    A live studio class cultivating the aspirational, inspirational qualities of the upper chakras, starting with Viloma breath and focusing on lateral and back-bending poses to enliven the chosen energetics. Asana practice finishes at 60 minutes, followed by 15 minutes pranayama and meditation.

  • Xmas Day Goddess Lalita

    Xmas Day Goddess Lalita

    Join Sam & I as we share a fun jovial practice themed to the Goddess Lalita Tripura Sundari. Lalita is considered to be one of the primary goddesses that oozes beauty, abundance, playfulness and joy.

  • Artha Means Resources

    Artha Means Resources

    Artha is one of the 4 goals of existence, or 4 desires of the soul. The others are dharma, purpose; kama, pleasure; and moksha, freedom. In this practice we will unpack artha.

  • Resilience with Kindness

    Resilience with Kindness

    Join Genevieve for this nurturing experience exploring resilience with kindness.

  • Spinal Extension Focus

    Spinal Extension Focus

    A focus on spinal extension, to enhance the flow of energy through this central channel.

  • A Sushumna Flow

    A Sushumna Flow

    A focus on spinal extension, to enhance the flow of energy through this central channel.

  • Open Heart Yin

    Open Heart Yin

    A class to open your heart and release tension around the heart and shoulders. Remembering the power of love and kindness.

  • Tri Doshic Twists

    Tri Doshic Twists

    A balanced Monday morning class, good for everyone, to unwind and realign for the week.

  • Feel Into Your Bones

    Feel Into Your Bones

    A lovely grounded experience to anchor into your body. Our body is a tangible tool to explore the contents of our body and mind. And this one has some cool sunrise ray action about half way through the video. Enjoy.

  • From Fear to Stillness

    From Fear to Stillness

    Touch the space within, the kidney energy, that is grounded and stable.

  • Lakshmi Goddess of Adundance

    Lakshmi Goddess of Adundance

    Lakshmi, the Goddess of Beauty & Abundance. A practice to uncover the intrinsic joy, beauty and abundance that lies within each of us.

  • Metal Element, Acceptance to Let Go

    Metal Element, Acceptance to Let Go

    We have to accept what is to enable the letting go.

  • Warm the Kidney Meridian

    Warm the Kidney Meridian

    Stabilising and grounding for the kidney and bladder meridians, a warming class for a cold day.

  • Slow Flow to Ground

    Slow Flow to Ground

    A slow flow exploring the relationship between physical sensations, thoughts, feelings and emotions, to cultivate a more holistic sense of awareness.

  • Water Element

    Water Element

    We are primarily made up of the water element. Consider everything within the physical body that is fluid and also the flow and feeling of emotions inside of you. The water element is also what gives us our flexibility. Water is also soft enough to run our fingers through but also heavy enough to hold up a ship.

  • Buoyant Lungs

    Buoyant Lungs

    Practice designed to inundate the upper spine with space and energy creating potential for possibilities.